ICT Plans

ICT lessons were conducted for the students in the computer lab where the students of std VI worked on the PowerPoint presentation in groups and discussed the concept among themselves.

Click on the following link for the PowerPoint presentation on the topic Eclipse.


Some sample slides discussed in the presentation are as follows.

After the ICT lesson on eclipse, an assignment was given to students to make a power-point presentation on the same topic. 
My student Neel Porob made the following presentation. 

From web 2.0 tools I used a canvas board from linoit for making worksheets for students.
This was done for the students of 6th standard on the topic LIGHT

A sample screenshot of the worksheet

Based on the topics taught in class, I made activities for students through www.kubbu.com.
You can access these activities by clicking on the following link

ussername: bukkul.tari
password: bukkul

A sample screenshot of the puzzle on solar system.

My first content presentation was on the topic LIGHT. This presentation was made on www.prezi.com which is a web 2.0 tool. It discussed mainly about electromagnetic spectrum and its applications in medical field and astronomy field.

Click on the following link to view the presentaion.

A sample screenshot of the presentation on www.prezi.com 

My Experience: ICT has helped me immensely to grab students attention and keep them focused in class. Students like to learn innovative ideas through different web 2.0 softwares. I learnt that through videos and animation students learn concepts quickly and effectively.


Well, H ello  there! I'm   Shreya Chodankar  from GVM's  Dr. Dada Vaidya College of Education, Goa . This is my Science blog site...